Monday, 8 February 2010

February 5th, 2010

10DegC Today, first time it has made it since boxing day. The sun makes for light work! However, despite the snow I noticed today that the weeds are coming back. Only in patches at the moment and probably growing very slowly, but they are there. I must remember to record what grows and when. I have had to prune most of the Pinot Meunier vines back to 3 buds as they have not made enough wood in the first year. Another note to self is that next year I should lift the grow tubes on a windy Autumn day to allow the dead leaves to blow away. I have noticed that in some of the tubes there is a wet mess that I am sure would not be beneficial and would probably harbour all manner of maladies. Further to that for the first time I have noticed Slugs, I hope they will not be a problem later in the year. I also heared racing from Silverstone today or I am hearing things.

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