Friday, 4 December 2009

Starting Tonight

So these are the first letters of the first words of my first blog. It probably not the best time to start blogging as I only have 5 mins before I get ready to go out. However, I am Tim Chafor and it is my intention to diarise (if that is a word) my work in establishing a vineyard in North Buckinghamshire. Today was the sort of day that inspires positive and progressive action so I am taking the plunge into a totally allien world for me - blogging. I have just realised that I have not even looked at any other blogs! For thoes of you that are interested this is the Chafor Vineyard, Gawcott, Bucks and it is my intention to chronicle the activities on a regular, maybe weekly basis.

No time to work the picture formatting out

1 comment:

  1. Anyone who has ever read about making wine will know it is a brave undertaking. There can be a crisis at any moment. But Tim and Stephanie have already won their spurs dealing with adversity, showing ingenuity, improvisation and doggedness. True grit. So it is a pleasure to be the first to wish you the best of luck in your enterprise. And have you heard the one about the man who made a small fortune growing his own grapes...
